Self-Care With Our Senses

woman holding flowers in hands in water

Life can be hectic and sometimes it seems we just never have enough time for ourselves. With constant work, and the trials and tribulations we may experience everyday, the perfect pick-me-up can be a self-care routine. It’s important to focus purely on yourself every now and then, so here are some self-care ideas that will revitalize you, heighten your senses and help you reconnect with your mind and body.


person blue eyes photography
Photo by Lisa on

Our sense of sight is important because it allows us to be connected and immersed into our surroundings, it is the portal and window into which we view the world around us and how we perceive it. As for caring for yourself, there’s nothing better than cosying up on the couch and sinking into a good book. Reading can help you to reduce stress, improve brain activity, as well expand both your vocabulary and comprehension. Alternatively, you could also watch your favourite movie or series, it can be just as relaxing and also reduce stress. Just try not to binge watch though!


The ability to experience a whole range of endless flavours is what makes the sense of taste so amazing. The sweetness of chocolate, the rich umami flavours of a heart-warming stew, the vinegary zing of kimchi, certain foods and tastes can have such a profound effect on us, taking us to a place of comfort, a place of excitement and even mystery. Cooking can be incredibly therapeutic and fits perfectly into any self-care routine, try your hand at crafting a healthy meal or maybe an old family-favourite recipe. However, if time isn’t on your side, the refreshing taste of a hot cup of Chamomile tea will help to induce calmness and relax the nerves.


Our sense of smell is incredibly strong, possibly stronger than our sense of sight and taste. It is truly fascinating that we are capable of smelling millions of distinct smells, for some people particular scents can conjure up nostalgic memories and send us back to an exact moment in time, a time of happiness and comfort. There are also certain scents that are known to be beneficial to our wellbeing. Smell is vital to a self-care routine, and Odourly is the perfect addition to it. Containing the essence of lavender, a plant that is famed for its calming effects and ability to uplift your mood, a small bag of Odourly will freshen up and de-stress your living space for your self-care routine and onwards for up to a month.


photo of a boy listening in headphones
Photo by jonas mohamadi on

Slap on some tunes and turn up the volume! Listening to music is a great way to alleviate any pent-up stress, decrease anxiety by increasing dopamine levels to improve your mood, and to simply take your mind off everything. We recommend creating a playlist of songs that lift your spirits and all you’ll have to do is just sit back and enjoy, or crack out the dance moves, whatever floats your boat! Alternatively, podcasts are also a good way to relax and even educate yourself, there are many podcasts out there focusing on self-care and mental wellbeing that are worth listening to.

Touch (and Movement a.k.a The Kinesthetic Sense)

An essential for any self-care routine is exercise. Whether you choose to do yoga or prefer more conventional fitness routines, exercise is important for our overall health and well-being, even the lightest of stretches can improve blood flow and mental health. Including exercise into your routine will help you to boost your mood, manage stress, raise energy levels, improve balance, strength and flexibility, and so much more, there are too many to list here!

Don’t forget to visit to learn all there is to know about Odourly. Experience the refreshing aroma in your home, boost your mood, de-stress, and eliminate unpleasant smells at the same time.