Category Archives: Odourly 101

5 Reasons To Choose Odourly Over Conventional Air Fresheners

photo of gray and white tabby kitten sitting on sofa

They have eye-catching designs with fancy and enticing names for their fragrances, but there is much more to conventional air fresheners that you may not know. Here are some comparisons of why you should be going down the natural path with Odourly. The Ingredients Odourly Odourly is made from 100% organic materials, including attapulgite clay, […]

6 Creative Ways To Use Your Odourly

Don’t let the small size of an Odourly packet fool you. Despite its modest appearance, a single pack of Odourly can pack a serious punch when it comes to re-odourising your home. Containing unique attapulgite clay infused with citronella, lavender and bush oils, Odourly also has the ability to do much more than freshen up […]

Self-Care With Our Senses

woman holding flowers in hands in water

Life can be hectic and sometimes it seems we just never have enough time for ourselves. With constant work, and the trials and tribulations we may experience everyday, the perfect pick-me-up can be a self-care routine. It’s important to focus purely on yourself every now and then, so here are some self-care ideas that will […]