6 Creative Ways To Use Your Odourly

Don’t let the small size of an Odourly packet fool you. Despite its modest appearance, a single pack of Odourly can pack a serious punch when it comes to re-odourising your home. Containing unique attapulgite clay infused with citronella, lavender and bush oils, Odourly also has the ability to do much more than freshen up spaces within your home.

Here is a list of 6 creative ways to use your Odourly.

1. Treat Your Pets

kitten lying on surface
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Odourly is 100% natural and made from organic materials, so it is completely safe to be used around your beloved pets. Odourly makes for an excellent accompaniment to pet litter as it relieves bad scents, is effective at absorbing moisture and bacteria, and most importantly, pets love it. Just remember to change the Odourly weekly to keep your furry friends happy!

2. Workspace Warrior

We’ve all felt uninspired at some point and creative block is a drag, but did you know that certain scents can actually affect the way you work? Lavender, one of the key components of Odourly, is known to uplift your mood, improve concentration and boost productivity. It’s the perfect addition to your workspace, helping you to become a workspace warrior and power through your tasks.

3. Pump It Up. Freshen Up.

Going to the gym is a great way of staying fit and healthy, and one thing you’ll always have by your side is your trusty gym bag. You’ll normally find items like a towel, a change of clothes, toiletries, and a protein shake, but you might want to consider adding some Odourly to that list too because once the used clothes go in the bag, the sweaty odour takes over. Odourly works as hard as you do and is great for eliminating bad smells and absorbing moisture.

4. Bugs Be Gone!

black and white spotted textile
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Certain insects, especially flies and mosquitoes, are the bane of our existence, they are the unwanted guests in our homes that never want to leave. Odourly is infused with citronella, an essential oil recognised for its refreshing citrus fragrance and its ability to repel insects. Refrain from spraying toxic chemicals and instead place a small bag of Odourly near any windows to keep those pesky insects at bay.

5. Car Care

Cars can easily take on unpleasant smells that can linger for a long time, from fast-food takeaways and sweaty gym bags, to cigarette smoke and pet odours. Odourly’s strong absorbency and lasting fragrance will ensure your car smells like new every time you hop in. Another benefit is that it is also useful in preventing your car windows from fogging up, which is not only annoying but can also be dangerous. Placing some Odourly on the dashboard will keep the ride fresh and fog-free!

6. Re-odourise Then Re-use!

green indoor potted plant lot
Photo by Min An on Pexels.com

Your Odourly will continuously freshen up the spaces of your home for up to a month, but once it’s done working its magic there’s no need to because Odourly is made completely from natural and organic materials, it is 100% biodegradable.

How will you use your Odourly? Don’t forget to visit odourly.com to learn all there is to know about Odourly. Experience the refreshing aroma in your home and eliminate unpleasant smells. Get creative with Odourly!