5 Reasons To Choose Odourly Over Conventional Air Fresheners

photo of gray and white tabby kitten sitting on sofa

They have eye-catching designs with fancy and enticing names for their fragrances, but there is much more to conventional air fresheners that you may not know. Here are some comparisons of why you should be going down the natural path with Odourly.

The Ingredients

clear glass bowl with herbs and tea
Photo by Olenka Sergienko on Pexels.com


Odourly is made from 100% organic materials, including attapulgite clay, known for its ability to absorb moisture and foul smelling particles in the air, infused with lavender and citronella essential oils, and Australian bush oils. All natural ingredients mean that Odourly is completely safe around kids and pets.

Conventional Air Fresheners

Despite their packaging with pictures of fresh flowers and fruits, their true ingredient list couldn’t be further from natural. Conventional air fresheners contain a lot of artificial scents and harmful chemicals that you probably have never heard of, let alone able to pronounce. 

The Smell


With natural ingredients like lavender, citronella, and Australian bush oils, refreshing floral aromas will flow throughout your home. Odourly is effective at spreading a pleasant scent but never overpowering.

Conventional Air Fresheners

Conventional air fresheners come in a plethora of different fragrances, but the smells these sprays emit can be overpowering and actually mask bad odours rather than eliminating them.

Lasting Effect


Small in size but big in smell, just a single pack of Odourly has the ability to keep a space of up to 300 square feet smelling fresh for up to a month.

Conventional Air Fresheners

As we mentioned before, conventional air fresheners mask smells rather than eliminating them so the fragrance released lasts temporarily, meaning multiple sprays are required after a while until bad smells truly disappear.

Environmental Effect


Odourly is great for your home but also kind to the environment. Odourly is fully biodegradable with no harmful effects to the environment as all the ingredients are sourced directly from nature and the environment around us.

Conventional Air Fresheners

Despite its primary function of supposedly improving indoor air smells, conventional air fresheners ironically release harmful pollutants into our air space from its multitude of chemicals, contributing to indoor air pollution and negatively affecting the environment around us.

Potential Health Issues


Absolutely none! Using Odourly in your home is worry-free and have peace of mind knowing that the 100% natural ingredients found in Odourly are child and pet friendly. The base ingredient of attapulgite clay has even been used in medical practice to alleviate stomach problems and absorb toxins.

Conventional Air Fresheners

Unfortunately, conventional air fresheners are known for causing a number of health issues. From causing headaches to breathing difficulties, to dizziness, eye irritation, and skin rashes, these types of sprays can have a negative impact on our health.

Be good to your home and your health! Don’t forget to visit www.odourly.com to learn all there is to know about Odourly. Experience the refreshing aroma in your home and eliminate unpleasant smells. Go natural with Odourly!